Why You Shouldn't Remove Mature Trees from Your Property Without Careful Thought

If you have just purchased an extensive plot of land which you intend to develop, you may be considering how much of the existing vegetation and tree stock to clear. You may have to get rid of most of the groundcover in order to construct your buildings, but do you need to get rid of all the mature trees as well? This is a question for careful consideration, as there are good reasons for keeping some of the trees within your overall development. [Read More]

Tree Services: Various Forms of Pruning You Could Consider

The process of tree trimming may seem quite straightforward. All you have to do is cut away the limbs on your tree that seem worse for wear, right? Wrong. A lot of thought needs to go into what outcome you want from the process so that an ideal technique is used. What some people do not realise is that the process of tree trimming is actually a science since the arborists are dealing with living organisms. [Read More]

Having a Tree Removed? Consider Paying Extra for These Useful Services

If you're planning to have a tree removed from your property, then you've probably budgeted for a simple removal, and not much else. Wait! There are a variety of extra services that are worth spending money on. If you've never had a tree removed before then you might not have considered things like stump removal, wood chipping, or log splitting. The list below will give you a clear idea of extra services you might like to purchase alongside your basic removal, as well as the benefits of each. [Read More]

The Living Dead: Why, When And How To Have A Tree's Dead Wood Removed

Deadwooding is the name given to the process of removing dead portions of wood from a living tree, and it is an important part of maintaining the good health and structural integrity of many large and/or old trees. However, when undertaken with too little knowledge or too much enthusiasm deadwooding can actively damage an otherwise healthy tree, so it is important to know what exactly to look for and how to have dead wood safely removed before you begin work on maintaining your trees. [Read More]