Glorious, Great and Grounded: A Tree Blog

4 Circumstances That May Call For Tree Removal

Trees do so many good things for the land, air, wildlife and people. Their roots penetrate deep into the ground to help hold soil together; trees clean the air by trapping dust particles; trees are home to many species of birds and animals; and last but not least, they increase oxygen supply, which is vital for human survival.

Therefore, as a homeowner, you may wonder why it may be necessary to fell a tree in your yard. Well, here are a few circumstances where removing a tree (or a few trees) from your yard is a necessary evil.

If it is located too close to your home.

If a large tree is located too close to your house, there is a chance that it may fall on your house at any moment. Even if it appears healthy, you can never tell when a heavy storm will hit your area and bring it crushing down. The destructive side of Mother Nature can never be overlooked when it comes to ensuring your home is safe, so you should rid of any adjacent trees to eliminate any potential safety hazards.

If it is diseased and poses a threat to the health of other trees.

Some trees can get diseased and spread the disease to neighboring trees. There are two means by which tree disease can spread: below-ground and above-ground. Below-ground spread occurs when roots of similar or closely-related tree species grow into one another and graft together. The disease can then be spread from tree-to-tree through these fused roots. 

Above-ground or overland spread, on the other hand, takes place when sap-feeding insects such as elm bark beetles carry fungus on their bodies and move it to an uninfected tree. Before removing any diseased tree, it is necessary to disrupt existing root grafts first. 

If it is too weak.

There are a lot of sure signs that a tree is getting frail and may topple over at any time. Look out for significant lean, decay, dried out or weakly-attached branches, exposed roots, dead wood, cracked soil at the base of a tree, cankers, etc. if your tree is showing any of these signs, it may be prudent to fell it early before it can cause havoc or harm anyone.

If that will allow other vegetation to flourish.  

If a tall tree is denying plants growing underneath it a chance to thrive by preventing sufficient sunlight from reaching the ground, it may be best to cut it down. This will give shorter trees and turf more room to grow and thrive.

Also, trees that are growing in close proximity may end up competing for water and soil nutrients. Therefore, it may be best to sacrifice a few trees so that the remaining ones can thrive. For more information, go to websites like
